Meaning Territorial Sea
What does Territorial Sea mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Territorial Sea. You can also add a definition of Territorial Sea yourself


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Territorial Sea

Traditionally, the territorial sea extended out to three nautical miles from the shore of a coastal nation. Why three nautical miles? This was the distance a cannon could be fired, and thus the distance that a nation could defend itself. With the signing of the Law of the Sea, territorial waters were extended out to twelve nautical miles. In the U. [..]
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Territorial Sea

A belt of water of a defined breadth but not exceeding 12 nautical miles measured seaward from the territorial sea baseline.
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Territorial Sea

The territorial sea extends up to 12 nautical miles from a State’s baselines (which are generally drawn along the low-water line of the coast). States have control of the air-space above the territori [..]


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Territorial Sea

The sea and ocean areas belonging to the territorial waters of a country.

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